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crossref-_sciencelineVolume 13 (1); June 15, 2024

Art_and_architecture_as_sustainable_tools_of_propaganda--Research Paper

Art and architecture as sustainable tools of propaganda: a brief review of the imperial Rome and its influences on the 21st century polity

Hussaini IU, Elnafaty AS, Wakawa BU, and Umar A.

J. Art Arch. Stud., 13(1): 01-11, 2024; pii:S238315532300001-12



Art and Architecture have collectively been used as the historical media of communication and preservation of cultures and values for many civilizations. It is argued that art is an expression of creative human skills and imagination which is usually appreciated for its beauty and emotional power. Architecture on the other hand is perceived to be a component of the art ‘you can walk through’ that specifically embodies the science of designing and superintending of buildings and other similar structures. However, Rome as a republic and as an empire had greatly explored the phenomena of art and architecture in a variety of ways and elaborations. The Roman emperors and private citizens alike have used buildings, sculptures, paintings, and other art forms as propaganda tools to advertise achievements and mold public opinions on issues of interest. This study therefore, explores on the implications of these phenomena through ‘textual’ historical review and analysis directed at providing highlights on the significance and power of art and architecture as sustainable factors of propaganda epitomized by the Imperial Rome. Subsequently, the study elucidates on the legacy of its propaganda techniques that has resonated in the 21st century polity with reinforced technological innovations deployed to sustain culture, political power, and economic development. This is evident in the ongoing global developments as typically exemplified by the Gulf States of the Arab world.
Keywords: Art, Architecture, Sustainable Tools, Propaganda, Imperial Rome, 21st Century.

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